طريقة التقديم وامتحان بنك CIB
بعد كده بتعمل حساب علي الموقع وتملي الابليكيشن بنسبة 100% وبعد كده تدخل علي الوظايف وتقدم علي اللي تناسبك
امتحان CIB 15/4/2015
الاول هينطلب منك صورة من بطاقة الرقم القومى و المؤهل الدراسى مش تنساهم
و طبعا تملى الابليكيشن بتاعك و تحفظ الكود و الباسورد عشان دول اللى تدخلهم عشان تمتحن
الامتحان مكون من 50 سؤال 20 انجلش و 10 skills و 10 IQ و 10 ECO , MANAGEMENT , MARKETING , STRATEGIC PLANNING
و دى شوية من الاسئلة اللى فاكراها
الانجلش زاكر قاعدة UNLESS و AS FAR AS و IN CASE OF
بس الناس اللى قبلى امتحنوا و جالهمIN SPITE OF , HOWEVER , ALTHOUGH , IF , BETWEEN , AFTER
ف ذاكرهم بردوا
و فيه اسئلة زى كدا
She has ( ) to their efforts
ANS: gratefulness
- Opportunity cost
Which letter of the below can be put between the brackets and complete the two words. ()able ()aken
What is the most accurate definition of foreign exchange ?
- The medium of exchange.
- The difference in sales and purchase of countries goods.
- The percentage of sales and purchasing of currencies of four or more countries.
- The exchange of country’s currency for another. All exchanges are determined by a rate of exchange or a ratio valuing one currency against another.
Today teacher/Officer will ………. About new subject.
ANS : Talk
If the customer is asking about a product of the bank and you don’t know information about the product what is the most appropriate action to handle this situation?
- Apologize to the customer and inform him that you don’t know about the product.
- Try to convenience the customer with another product you know about.
- Provide any information about the product .
d- Transfer the call to another college who knows about the product and then ask about it later
1-2-10-13-26-48 Which number doesn’t belong to the mentioned series.
ANS: 48
Sara was ranked the 13th lowest and the 13th highest How many students were ranked?
- 13
- 25
- 26
- 29
ANS : 25
5-10-12-17-…….. Complete the missing Number.
- 19
- 15
- 21
ANS :19
Which of the below is not considered as a money market ?
- Treasury bills.
- Certificate of deposits.
- Commercial papers.
موقف لو انت نسيت تخلى العميل يوقع على ورقة معينة حتعمل اية
حتكبر دماغ ومش حتبلغ المدير
حتعمل نفسك مش عارف حاجة عن الموضوع دة
حتتبلغ بالمدير وتتصل بالعميل تطلب منو يجى فى اقرب فرصو يوقع على الورقة الناقصة
- لو العميل صاحبك وطلب منك تخفض لة المصاريف
حتعمل كدة ولا تطلب دة من المدير
ولا حتقول لة اسف دى سياسية البنك وانا مقدرش اعمل لك حاجة
- Tomato – Potato-Carrots- broccoli which is different ------ answer is tomato.
- CIRCLE- PYRAMID- SPHERE- ,, حاجه كمان مش فاكراها و عايز اية المختلف
Flow rate (choices are “ decimals , fractions(
-Enlighten ( انا اخترت اخر اجابة اللى فيها بيوضح المعنى
- Question about Branding in marketing
- Question about bad attitude ----------answer will be Defame.
- Factors affects demand
- Money elasticity
- Supply
- Management زاكر principles
- Marketing principles and definition
- The thing in which we write tasks in meeting AGENDA
- The person who talks a lot of languaghes ( langusts , bilingual)
- Function of money answer : all of the above
- Function of the central bank ans: all of the above
- عمر جون 3 اضعاف عمر اخوة يبقى يكون عندو اد اية علشان يبقى عمرة ضعف عمر اخوة 16
انا جبتلكم الاسئلة اللى جاتلى و الاسئلة اللى جت للى امتحنوا قابلى ب اسبوع الامتحان مدته ساعة
و الاقتصاد زاكروا الdemand , supply , elastisty
و العوامل اللى بتأثر فيهم
مش تنسى تحضر اجابة سؤالين بتكتب فيهم 10 سطور عن
Why banking career?
How it affects your career?
2 تعليقات على " طريقة التقديم وامتحان بنك CIB "
The company has its own code of ------ for specific matters
• Behavior
• Conduct
• Dealing
• Attitude
4) The grapes are now ------ enough to be picked
• Mature
• Ripe
• Ready
• Tasty
6) He doesn’t have the experience to -------- such a large department
• Conduct
• Handle
• Conclude
• Supervise
13) In hot, dry regions, the sun’s heat causes the outer layer of rocks -------- a process called exfoliation
• Expands and peels away
• Are expanded and peeled away
• To expand and peel away
• They expand and peel away
14) Shareholders ------ free to transfer their shares to someone else without needing consent ------ the other shareholders
• Is – off
• Are – of
• Are – in
• Are – from
16) The machinery needs to be ------- before putting it into operation
• Adapted
• Accommodated
• Suited
• adjusted
19) To enlighten is to -------
• to dig out of the earth (what was buried )
• to sail around the world
• to cause to see clearly
• to get first sight or knowledge of as something previously un known or unperceived
20) Herd is to Cow, as ------- is to Fish
• group
• school
• litter
• trop
27) What does the SWOT analysis stand for?
• Strategies , work, option, and tasks
• Supply, working, capital, opportunities and threats
• Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and techniques
• Strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats
30) Resources and capabilities of a firm that can be used as a basis for developing a competitive advantage in a SWOT analysis is
• Weaknesses
• Threats
• Strengths
• Opportunities
31) What causes the fluctuation in a market economy?
• Buyers and sellers determine prices
• Producers are more efficient
• Prices are lower
• There is higher employment
39) Human wants are ------
• Always fixed
• Limited
• Unlimited
• Likely to decrease over time
-Which letter of the below can be put between the brackets and complete the two words.
( )able ( )aken
Ans: T
-What is the most accurate definition of foreign exchange?
• The medium of exchange
• The difference in sales and purchase of countries goods
• The percentage of sales and purchasing of currencies of four or more countries
• The exchange of country’s currency for another. All exchanges are determined by a rate of exchange or a ratio valuing one currency against another
Ans : D
-Which number doesn’t belong to the mentioned series 1-2-10-13-26-48
Ans: 48
-Sara was ranked the 13th lowest and the 13th highest How many student were ranked?
• 13
• 25
• 26
• 29
Ans: 25
-Complete the missing number 5-10-12-17
• 19
• 15
• 21
Ans : 19
- Which is different Tomato – Potato- Carrots – broccoli?
-Which of the below is not considered as a money market?
• Bonds
• Treasury bills
• Certificate of deposits
• Commercial papers
Ans: bonds
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