
أخـر المقالات

الأحد، 7 يناير 2018

امتحان اللغه الانجليزيه بالكامل الخاص بالمعهد المصرفي 2018 نموذج A


ستجدون في هذا المقال نموذج A الخاص بامتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للمعهد المصرفي علما بان هذا الامتحان خاص بالبنوك التي تجري الامتحانات الخاصه بها في المعهد المصرفي فهذا الامتحان هوا امتحان البنك الزراعي المصري وهو ايضا امتحان بنك القاهره وامتحان بنك فيصل الاسلامي  وايضا امتحان بنك المصرف المتحد  

هذه هي الاجابه الخاصه بالامتحان

Objective Placement Test A

General Directions
The Objective Placement Test has three sections: Listening, Reading, and Language Use.
There are 70questions. You are allowed 50 minutes to complete the test.
In Section , the Listening section, you will hear nine conversations and answer one or
more questions about each one. Before you listen to a conversation, read the question or
questions. Then listen to the conversation. Answer the questions after the conversation
ends. Choose the correct answer for each question and fill in your choice on your answer
sheet. You will hear the conversation only once. The first conversation is an example. You
have 15 minutes to complete this section.
Section ll, the Reading section, has several short passages. After you read each passage,
choose the correct answer for each question and fill in your choice on your answer sheet
You have 20 minutes to complete this section.
Section III, the Language Use section, has 30 items. Choose the correct completion for each
item and fill in your choice on your answer sheet. You have 15 minutes to complete this
Mark your answers clearly on your answer sheet. If you want to change an answer, erase
your first answer completely. If you want to take notes during the test, write on the paper
you were given.

Situation 1: David is talking with Tomomi when Monica comes into the room

1. _________ are meeting for the first time.
a. David and Monica
b. David and Tomomi
C. Tomomi and Monica
d. David, Monica, and Tomomi

Situation 2: Ken and Nancy are at a restaurant.

2. Ken _________
a. is having steak tonight
b. stopped eating steak
c. eats steak a lot
d. prefers chicken to steak

Situation 3: Karen calls Jason's home. Jason's father answers the telephone.

3. Karen is going to _________
a. speak with Jason at work
b. call back in an hour
c. wait for Jason to call
d. send a written message
Now go on to page 4.

Situation 4: A reporter is giving today's weather forecast.

4. It will be clear in_________
a. the Northeast
b. Seattle
c. Boston
d. Miami

5. In Seattle, the weather is_________

a. hot
b. snowy
C. cool
d. rainy

Situation 5: Bill invites Jennifer to go to dinner and a movie.

6. Jennifer doesn't accept right away because she can't._________
a. eat a late lunch
b. leave work early
c. go to dinner
d. see the movie

7. They're going to_________

a. leave work a little early
b. go to the movie before dinner
c. see the movie tomorrow
d. have dinner at 7:00

Situation 6: Linda is asking Jim about his plans for the summer.

8. In the summer, Jim usually_________
a. stays in the mountains
b. takes trips with his family
c. visits his parents
d. goes to the beach

9. This summer hes planning to_________

a. stay at home
b. go tothe beach
c. fish with his dad
d. hike in the mountains

Situation 7: Phil is talking with Susie about money.

10. Phil is upset because_________
a. Susie can't lend him any money
b. his parents won't give him money
c. Albert hasn't returned his money
d. his friendsnever lend him money

11. Albert_________

a. didn't borrow $100
b. isn't working now
c. doesn't need the money
d. can't return the money yet

12. Susie doesn'tlend money to friends because_________

a. she has just enough for herself
b. lending money can change a friendship
c. people won'tlend her money
d. her friends don't need it

Situation 8: Natalie and Chuck are talking about their experiences abroad

13. Chuck went backpacking_________
a. in Brazil
b. by himself
c. after high school
d. with his father

14. Chuck says he "would have liked to have seen Portugal. He means that he_________

a. went there, and he liked it
b. didn't go there, but he wanted to
c. went there, but he didn't like it
d. didn't go there, and he didn't want to

15. While Natalie was in Japan, she_________

a. traveled all over the country
b. lived with a Japanese family
c. learned Japanese quickly
d. got very homesick

16. Chuck doesn't want to_._________

a. travel anymore
b. learn a foreign language
c. stay at home
d. live abroad

Situation 9 Diane and Conrad are talking about their careers.

17. Conrad got into advertising because he_________
a. studied advertising in college
b. heard about a job opening
C. liked to help people
d. was tired of his old job

18. When he was young, Conrad wanted to_________

a.work in advertising
b.become a doctor
c. stay in school
d.go into business

19. Diane's parents didn't want her to_________
a. start her own business
b. finish college
C. be too successful
d. change her career

20. Conrad _________

a. owns his own company
b. enjoys working in advertising
c. thinks his job is boring
d. wants toleave his job

This is the end of the Listening section of Objective Placement Test A.

Now go on to page 8 and begin the Reading section.

Section Il: Reading

In this section of the Objective Placement Test, you will read some short passages and answer
questions about them. Choose the word or words that best complete the sentence. For each item,
fill in your answer on the answer sheet. You will have 20 minutes to complete this section.
Passage 1: What are you doing today?
BETTY CHAN: l usually stay home on Sundays and take it easy read, clean the house, do stuff like
that. But today I'm at the mall. l'm buying some things for my kids.

21. Betty _________ itoday.

a. shopping
b. reading
c. cleaning
d. resting

Passage 2: What do you do?

TONY PEREZ: I'm a flight attendant with a major airline. Flying isn't dangerous, but it can be stressful.
When I'm up in the air working, l always have something to do. I like it because I meet a lot of
interesting people.

22. Tony's job is _________

a. busy
b. easy
c. relaxing
d. boring

Passage 3: A vacation postcard

Dear Sal,
Greetings from France-it's so good to be back here again! We left the kids with their grandparents
in Chicago, and we're biking across the French countryside by ourselves. We brought a tent and
sleeping bags, so we can camp out if we want to, but we're really enjoying the small hotels we find
along the way
Michael and Paula

23. Michael and Paula _________

a, have been to France before
b. took theirchildren with them
c. are visiting their grandparents
d. prefer to sleep outside

Passage 4: The "zone"

You're deeply involved in a task and can ignore everything around you ringing telephones, your
neighbor's TV, even your own hunger- and still do things in record time. This is similar to what
athletes call the "zone: the power to concentrate so hard that you can ignore everything else. This
ability can bring success in any field, but in athletics it can mean all the difference between winning
and losing a game or event

24. In this reading, the "zone refers to a person's _________

a. state of mind
b. neighborhood
c. physical condition
d. intelligence

25. Athletes in the "zone" are more likely to_________

a. fall
b. compete
C. win
d. relax

Passage 5: Henry Ford and the Model-T

Henry Ford became famous and rich because he found a better, faster way to build cars. This is
shown in the history of the Model-T. When the Model-T was first introduced in 1908, it took 14
hours to build and cost $850. After Ford introduced into his own factory the mass-production
techniques that he saw in a meat-packing plant, the time for building a Model-T was reduced to
less than two hours. As a result, Ford was able to drop the price of the car to $265. By 1927, he had
sold over 15 million Model-Ts.

26. The first Model-T was expensive becauseit _________

a. was new
b. was very popular
c. took a long time to build
d. was built in a factory

27. The Model-T became so popular because it was _________ than other cars.

a. newer
b. faster
c. better
d. cheaper

Passage 6: It's a big country!

When it comes to body weight, Americans stand out. Most visitors to the United States, no matter
where they go across this vast country, comment on the size of many Americans. In fact, these
impressions are backed by numerous statistics. For example, the average 5' 4" American weighs
162 pounds, or 15 pounds more than the average person of the same height from Western or
Central Europe. Another comparison: At 150 pounds, the average 5' 4" American woman is
24 pounds heavier than her Japanese counterpart.
Why are Americans so heavy? Some blame the American diet. Certainly it's true that
Americans eat more high-fat foods- meat, dairy products, and processed food -and fewer grains
and vegetables than people in other countries. But fat isn't the whole story. Lifestyle factors-
including the tendency for Americans to drive rather than walk or ride a bicycle to work, to snack
throughout the day, and to have so many labo-saving devices in the home appear to contribute
to the problem.

28. According to the article, visitors to the United States often comment on the size of

the __________
a. population
b. cities
c. country
d. people

29. According to the article, the average Western European weighs__________

a. more than an American
b. more than a Central European
C. less than an American
d. ss than a Japanese person

30. In comparison with Americans, people in other countries eat more__________

a. meat
b. dairy products
c. processed food
d. grains

31. The article implies that Americans would lose weight if they__________

a. snacked more often
b. rode bicycles to work
c. stayed at home more
d. ate fewer vegetables

Passage 7: Small talk isn't so "small"
Sal talk may not be about serious issues; nevertheless, researchers into the subject have
concluded that it's important. That's because small talk keeps us connected to one another and can
lead to bigger things, such as a job or a new friendship. Yet people who find themselves alone with
another person often don't know what to say. Here are a few tips to help you start a conversation,
and to keep the conversational ball rolling

Start with the obvious. If you have something in common with another person (your job,
hobbies, a person you both know, etc.), begin with that. If you don't know the person, it's always
acceptable to bring up a neutral topic such as the weather or a recent news event. It isn't necessary
to be clever all that's required is to show interest in the other person and to be willing to talk

Compliment where appropriate If the other person has done something you like or is wearing
something attractive, it's always appropriate to compliment. But avoid talking about the specifics
of a person's physical appearance (people can't usually change how they look) and keep your
compliments short and to the point ("What a great tie! orYou look great tonight!") and continue
with another topic.

Talk about yourself-then return to your partner, It's perfectly OK to talk about your own interests
for a while, but keep your conversation from becoming a monolog. It's only polite, for example, that
after talking about your own children, you turn the conversation back to your partner by asking
about his or her children

32. According to the article, the main function of small talk is to ـــــــــــــــــــــ

a. show our own importance
b. get valuable information
c. relate to other people
d. talk about major issues

33. "Start with the obvious" means that you should talk about things that you ـــــــــــــــــــــ

a. have in common
b. enjoy doing
c. want to understand
d. know everything about

34. You need to be careful when complimenting someone because most people ـــــــــــــــــــــ

a. don't like compliments
b. can't change how they look
c. don't dress very well
d. haven't done anything interesting

35. You should avoid monologs because other peopleـــــــــــــــــــــ

a. have no interest in what you say
b. already know a lot about you
c. like totalk about themselves, too
d. prefer to discuss neutral subjects

Passage 8: Headaches
Everyone has experienced headaches, but only recently have medical researchers begun to learn
more specifically about the causes and possible treatments for different types of headache pain.
The most common type of headache is the simple tension headache. Tension headaches are
noise. Tension headaches are caused by a tightening of the neck or back muscles, which slows the
flow of blood and, therefore, oxygen to the brain. It is the lack of oxygen that causes the pain. Most
headaches can be relieved by taking a mild analgesic such as aspirin. Analgesics expand the blood
vessels and restore the normal flow of blood and oxygen to the brain.
A more serious type of headache is the migraine. Migraine headaches are often extremely painful
and can last for hours or days. Like tension headaches, they can be the result of different factors,
including stress, hormonal changes, and allergies. Unlike tension headaches, however, they are
caused by an abnormal expansion or swelling (rather than a contraction) of the blood vessels within
the head. Medicines that shrink swollen blood vessels can be used to treat migraine headaches.
A tiny minority of headaches can be linked to severe physical problems such as head injury or
brain tumors. For these types of headaches, there are medicines to treat the symptoms, but there is
no cure unless the underlying problem is removed.

36. This article discusses the ــــــــــــــــــــــــــ

a. tiny minority of people who have headaches
b. history of medical research into headaches
c. causes and remedies for headaches
physical problems caused by headaches

37. A tension headache can result when ــــــــــــــــــــــــــ

a. the neck and back muscles relax
b. people get injured in an accident
c. the flow of blood is restricted
d. too much oxygen goes to the brain

38. Migraine headaches ــــــــــــــــــــــــــ

a. are the most common kind of headache
b usually last only a few minutes
C. can cause extreme pain
d. have one main cause

39. Medicines for migraines ــــــــــــــــــــــــــ

a. relax the headand neck
b. generally relieve tension
C. increase the flow of blood
d. cause blood vessels to contract

40. Headaches caused by serious physical problems ــــــــــــــــــــــــــ

a. can't be treated
b. don't cause much pain
c. have no symptoms
d. are not very common

Now go on to page 14 and begin the Language Use section.

Section Ill: Language Use

In this section, you will answer questions about the use of English. Choose the word or words that

best complete the sentence. For each item, fill in your answer on the answer sheet. You will have
15 minutes to complete this section

41 . ـــــــــــــــــــــ several good restaurants in our neighborhood

a. There
b. They're
c. There are
d. Their

42. The gas station is ـــــــــــــــــــــ Main Street.

a. on
b. at
c. next
d. close

43. " can't swim very well."

I can't ـــــــــــــــــــــ
a. too
b. either
c, so
d. neither

44. Ienjoy ـــــــــــــــــــــ out two or three times a week.

a. to eat
b. eating
c. eat
d. Ieat

45. These days, ـــــــــــــــــــــ women keep working after they get married

a. most
b. most of
c. almost
d. the most

46. My new job is very ـــــــــــــــــــــ

a. excitement
b. excited
c, exciting
d. excite

47. After finishing college, I hope ـــــــــــــــــــــ married

a. get
b. that get
c. getting
d. to get

48. Mt. Everest is ـــــــــــــــــــــ mountain in the world

a. the high
b. high as
c. higher than
d. the highest

49. Bob's never been bungee jumpingـــــــــــــــــــــ he?

a. is
b. has
c. does
d. was

50. I've run out of money. I wish l ـــــــــــــــــــــ more

a. am saving
b. have saved
c. had saved
d. will save

51. Could you tell me where ـــــــــــــــــــــ ?

a. is the post office
b. the post office is
c. is it the post office
d. it is the post office

52. IfI had known about the accident, l ـــــــــــــــــــــ it to the police

a. reported
b. would have reported
c. was reporting
d. have been reporting

53. Yolanda ـــــــــــــــــــــ part time for several years novw

a. has been working
b. is working
C. works
d. was working

54. The Taj Mahal is really worth ـــــــــــــــــــــ

a. to see it
b. seeing
C. you see it
d. see

55. If I went to live in a foreign country ـــــــــــــــــــــ my friends

a. I'd miss
b. I'm missing
C. I missed
d. I miss

56. Would you mind ـــــــــــــــــــــ the window?

a. open
b. opening
C. to open
d. I open

57. I was interested ـــــــــــــــــــــ the violin

a. to study
b. study
c. in studying
d. studied

58. Before a film is finished, it needs ـــــــــــــــــــــ

a. they edit it
b. to edit
c. to be edited
d. being edited

59. By 2020, scientists ـــــــــــــــــــــ a cure for cancer.

a. had found
b. will have found
c. are finding
d. have been finding
d. have been finding

60. "What happened to Kate?"

"She must ـــــــــــــــــــــ about our appointment."
a. forget
b. be forgetting
c. forgot
d. have forgotten

61. We're not used ـــــــــــــــــــــ our own meals

a. cook
b. to cook
c. cooking
d. to cooking

62. Chicago ـــــــــــــــــــــ is nicknamed the Windy City, is the largest city in inois

a. it
b. which
c. what
d. that

63 . ـــــــــــــــــــــ John, I like to cook.

a. Unless
b. Except
c. Instead
d. Unlike

64. Before ـــــــــــــــــــــ breakfast, I usually take a shower

a. eat
b. to eat
c. eating
d. that eat

65. I'm taking a class ـــــــــــــــــــــ learn more about my computer.

a. so that
b. in order
C. in order to
d. that

66. For me, mathematics is ـــــــــــــــــــــ difficult than biology

a. more
b. the more
c. most
d. the most

67. I would rather ـــــــــــــــــــــ evening classes

a. don'ttake
b. not take
c. no taking
d. not taking

68. I feel sick. I shouldn't ـــــــــــــــــــــ so much

a. to eat
b. eaten
c. have eaten
d. eating

69. Jim's boss demanded that he ـــــــــــــــــــــ to work earlier

a. has come
b. coming
C. is come
d. come

70. The earlier children learn to read ـــــــــــــــــــــ for their education

a. good
b. the good
c. the better
d. the best

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