
أخـر المقالات

السبت، 23 يونيو 2018

امتحان اللغه الانجليزيه الخاص بالبنك الاهلي المصري بالكامل


بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
في هذا المقال بإذن الله ستجدون امتحان اللغه الانجليزيه الخاص بالبمك الاهلي بالكامل
ملحوظه الكلمات الملونه باللون الاحمر هي الاجابه
وفقكم الله جميعاً الي الخير
والرجاء الدعاء

1 - How many _______ are hired at XYZ company per year?
peoplenew hire

2 - Please don't go to lunch __________ you have sent the email to your manager. It is really urgent. Thanks.

D Oduring

3 - First, an applicant needs to fill _________ the application form.

4 - My shift ends at 4:00 pm. So, at 5:00 pm tonight it_______
will be ending
will have endedhas just ended

5 - The new employee looked _______ his colleagues for advice.

6 - This is a matter _______ needs to be discussed among the members of our team

7 - I can't understand ________ when he speaks Swedish to _____
her, me
she, mine
him, me him,I

8 - _______ today's conference, the Vice President of the E-Business Group indicated that a new agreement would be signed _______ both parties soon

9 - Travelling to Japan from the US as a tourist is easy ______ no visa is required!
due to

10 - We do our job duties and they do ______

11 - The proposal has to be submitted to management _________ the end of next week. They need it on Friday afternoon at the latest.
12 - The employees enjoyed __________ a lot at the company's anniversary party. They had a good time.
their own

13 - I'm very busy today and am staying at work late. Please don't call me at home before 7:00 pm as I _______ at the office.
will have worked
have worked
will be working

14 - A large part of the contributions _______ made by the various departments within XYZ Company.
washave been

15 - You have not submitted your expense report yet, _____?
had you
will you
have youhasn't it

16 - Our team always meets from 10:00 pm to 10:30 pm. It's 10:15 pm now. If you go to the conference room now, the team _____
will be meetingwill have met
will meet

17 - The NASDAQ has seen the prices of stock ____ and ____ again.
falls, rise
fall, risefall, rises
falls, rises

18 - Your manager visited the company headquarters in London twice last year,____ ?
didn't shewill she
might she
has she

19 - Last month, three ____ opened a computer software firm called Cybex International.

20 - Your colleagues are looking everywhere in the office for a lost document that is very important. Since you want to join in the search, you ask: "What is the name of ______ documents ?"

21 - The market price of Random-Access-Memory (RAM) chips will decrease further _____ ?
aren't they
isn't ithas it
will it not

22 - I need to learn Java programming for this project. Can you recommend _____ book? Any book containing sample code would be great.

23 - Please choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the following sentence:
Every new XYZ company employee is assigned an employee ID number by the company.

Every employee ID number assigns the company a new XYZ company employee.
Every new XYZ company employee assigns the company an employee ID number
The company assigns an employee ID number to every new XYZ company employee.A new XYZ company employee assigns an employee ID number to every company.

24 - My direct manager, accompanied by my two colleagues _________ attending the seminar next week.
have beern
has been
will have been

25 - A new and improved version of the software _____ by that company next year. Also, an upgrade _____ available at that time.

will release/will make
is going to release/is going to make
will be released/will be made

26 - Let's file these documents one at ____ time until they are all filed, what
_____ time is it?

a, the
(blank does not need to be filled in), an
the, (blank does not need to be filled in)
a, (blank does not need to be filled in)

27 - Our team's proposal ______ by the management for implementation in June.

is being consideredis being considerate
is considerate

28 - My manager and team leader are returning today.___ coming back from San Francisco without ___ bags ____ may have been accidentally put on the wrong plane or they might still be ___

They're, their, They, thereThey, there, Their, they're
There, they, Their, they're
Their, they're, There, they

29 - Are you ___ working? Aren't you finished ___ ? If you are ____ not finished by 5:00 pm, then call me and I will help you

yet, yet, still
yet, still, yet
still, still, yet
still, yet, still

30 - The technicians were ___ on all of the available chairs, so there was no more
_______ available. We had to stand for the entire hour.

setting, seating
sitting, seatingseating, seating
seating, sitting

31 - There is ___ more paper in the printer, is there? We need to get ____ more. The printer won't print without
____ paper in the tray.

some, any, no
any, some, no
no, any, some
no, some, an

32 - Tom has always been considered a ____ worker. He says it is his goal to be the ______ employee on the team. His performance this month is much
_____ than it was last month. Also, he works particularly _____ with others

well, good, better, best
good, best, better, wellbest, better, well, good
good, better, best, well

33 - _______ employees in the company eat lunch in the company cafeteria _____them have one hour for lunch.____of the food is healthy. Cash is _____ always the preferred method of payment.
Most of, Good, Better, best
Almost all, Most, Almost, most of
Almost all, Most of, Most, almostMost of, Almost, Almost all, most

34 - Let me check _____ that legal issue for you. After I check ____ the contract has been signed,I will call you back. Before changes can be made, I will have to check ____ my manager

that, on, with
n, with, chat
with, on, that
on, that, with

35 - Today, you and your colleagues cannot check e-mail messages because the network is down. This means that the network is ________
not functioningnot of high quality

36 - Restaurants in the U.S. _______ two main methods of payment, cash and credit cards. They
___ cash,f _____ foreign currency. Also, most waiters will _____ a tip, so you will need some cash on hand

except, accept, except, accept
accept, accept, except, expectaccept, expect, except, except
except, accept, expect, accept
accept, except, expect, accept

37 - Annette had sent a document to the printer so that she could give her manager ฮ hardcopy o t However, when she went to pick it up she saw on the printer's functional indicator that the printer
was out of paper. Since she could not find any paper to add, she called the facilities staff for help. They submitted a purchase order for more paper. In the meantime, she will email the document
to her manager.
Which sentence represents the main idea of the passage?

She had problems printing and has taken steps to solve the problem.
The printer often has problems printing, so employees have to find alternatives.
the purchase order for more paper will be submitted by email.
The manager will have to email Annette back regarding a hard copy

38 - Please read the passage below and indicate whether the statements that follow are true (T) or false (F)
Chris: "Where shall we go for lunch today, Tom?
Tom: "It's up to you.
Chris: "Well, do you like pizza? I hear that a new place has opened near the shopping centre."
Tom: "Pizza sounds good to me. Do you want to eat there or take it back to the office?
Chris: "Let's eat there. They are having live music today due to their Grand Opening."
Tom: "Great. That sounds like a plan.
1. Chris is the one to suggest the pizza restaurant.
2. Tom prefers to eat the pizza back at the office.
3. Chris has been to the pizza restaurant before.


39 - Put the sentences of this phone conversation in their correct order.
1. We expect the update to be on the store shelves within this month.
2. Hello. This is XYZ Company. How may I help you?
3. This is he. What can I do for you, Sir?
4. Hi, my name is Gary Jones of Software Limited. I would like to speak with Mr. Chen, please.
5. Thank you for the information.
6. Well, I am calling regarding the new version of the e-commerce software. When will it be released?

2,1, 3, 6,4,5
2, 6, 4, 1, 3,5
4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 3
2, 4, 3, 6, 1, 54, 3, 5,1, 2, 6

40 - Badges: Badges are required at al XYZ Company sites, for both identification and access to most work areas. Badges can be obtained from the security office, which is located through the
corridor, next to the stairwell. Hours of operation are from 11am-1pm, Monday through Friday. You must bring your XYZ Company employee ID number and photo identification with you.
What are the two (2) items required to obtain a badge for all XYZ Company sites?

a badge and employee ID number
security office and corridor
employee ID number and photo identificationMonday and Friday
both identification and access

41 - Employee ID Number: All XYZ Company employees are assigned employee identification (ID) numbers. Employees will need to know this number throughout their career at XYZ Company.
Whether you're obtaining your badge or requesting assistance from the Help Desk, you will need to recite this number on a regular basis, Your manager should have this number for you on your
first day at XYZ Company
How many specific instances or situations does the text mention in which a new employee might need to know his/her employee ID number?

42 - Don't move that plate until it...
...are done
...is full...was full
...has full
-#-# -#-#

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