
أخـر المقالات

الخميس، 25 يناير 2018

امتحان المعهد المصرفي للغه الانجليزيه نموذج B


ستجدون في هذا المقال نموذج B الخاص بامتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للمعهد المصرفي علما بان هذا الامتحان خاص بالبنوك التي تجري الامتحانات الخاصه بها في المعهد المصرفي فهذا الامتحان هوا امتحان البنك الزراعي المصري وهو ايضا امتحان بنك القاهره وامتحان بنك فيصل الاسلامي  وايضا امتحان بنك المصرف المتحد 

اقراء ايضاً | امتحان اللغه الانجليزيه بالكامل الخاص بالمعهد المصرفي 2018 نموذج A
وهذه هي الاجابه الخاصه بالامتحان 

Situation 1: Tony and Alex are talking when Meriko comes in.
1. ـــــــــــــــــ are meeting for the first time.
a. Tony and Alex
b. Tony and Meriko
c. Alex and Meriko
d. Tony, Alex, and Meriko

Situation 2: A woman is ordering food at a restaurant.
2. She ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. usually has soup
b. is getting the soup
C. stopped eating salad
d. likes soup, not salad

Situation 3: Joe calls Ramon's home. Ramon's mother answers the telephone.
3. Joe ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. talks with Ramon
b. leaves a message for Ramon
C. will see Ramon in class
d. will call Ramon at school

Now go on to page 4
Situation 4: A reporter is giving today's weather forecast.
4. It will rain today in ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. California
b. the Northwes
C. New York
d. most of the country

5. Today's weather in New York will be ـــــــــــــــــ 
a, typical
b. sunny
c. cloudy
d. warm

Situation 5: Jeff calls Audrey about a business meeting

6. Audrey can't meet before 2:00 because she ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. is leaving early tomorrow
b. has another meeting
c. is meeting all morning
d, eats lunch at 2:00

7. They're going to ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. meet at 10:00 tomorrow
b. eat a late lunch together
c. have the meeting before lunch
d. meet at night

Situation 6: Jerry and Sue are talking about their plans for the summer vacation.
8. Sue's family usually ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. stays home
b. goes to the beach
c. visits friends
d. takes a trip

9. This year Sue is thinking about ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. going fishing with her dad
b. visiting her mother
c, learning how to sail
d. taking a trip with friends

Situation 7: Peggy is talking to Tom about her car.
10. Peggy is upset because ـــــــــــــــــ 
a, she can't use her can
b. her parents won't help her
c. Karla doesnt lke her car
d. Tomdoesn't understand her

11. Karla ـــــــــــــــــ 
a, borrowed her parents' car
b. has herown car
c. will fix Peggy's car
d. is buying a new car

12. Peggy doesn't lend money to friends because ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. it canchange the relationship
her friends have plenty of money
c. she doesn't have much to lend
d, her parents won't let her
Now go on to page 6.

13. Frank went to Argentina ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. by himself
b. to visit Chad
C. after high school
d. with his family

14, Frank savs he"would have liked to have seen Norway."He means that he ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. wanted to go there, so he went
b. didn't want to go there, but he went anyway
C. wanted to go there, but he couldn't
d. didn't want to go there, so he didn't

15. Liz went to China because of her ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. job
b. father
c. school
d. friends

16. Liz didn't ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. live in Beijing
b. like Chinese culture
C. go to Thailand
d, learn Chinese quicklv
Now go on to page7.

Situation 9: Ben and Margaret are talking about their jobs.
17. Margaret started working in fashion design ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. when she opened her own store
b. at a small design company
c. with one of her teachers
d, before she finished her studies

18. When Margaret was younger, she didn't know that ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. design school was so expen
b. her dreams could never come true
c, it took so long to become successful
d, she wanted to make beautiful clothes

19. Ben wanted to become a ـــــــــــــــــ 
a, doctor
b. lawyer
c. writer
d. reporter

20. Ben likes ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. being a reporter
b. taking classes
c. writing novels
d. teaching literature

This is the end of the Listening section of Objective Placement Test B.
Now go on to page 8 and begin the Reading section

Section 2 : Reading
In this section of the Objective Placement Test, you will read some short passages and answer
questions about them. Choose the word or words that best complete the sentence. For each item
fill in your answer on the answer sheet. You will have 20 minutes to complete this section.
Passage 1: What are you doing today?
PEDRO: I usually go out with friends on Saturday night. But today is Friday, and we're going out to a
football game tonight. So tomorrow night I'm staying home.

21. This Saturday night, Pedro is ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. playing football
b. visiting friends
c. staying home
d. going out

Passage 2: What do you do?
MARCIA CHUNG:I work in a busy real estate office. I do the same thing day after day -answer the
telephone and send documents.I need to get a more interesting job. That's why l'm studying law
at night

22.Marcia's job is ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. difficult
b. boring
C. restful
d. interesting

Passage 3: A vacation postcard
Hi, Andre,
Greetings from Mexico. It's really great to be away from school.I was traveling with Paul, but he
got homesick and now I'm by myself. have a tent and two sleeping bags, so why don't you come
on down? We could go to the beaches, see the sights. And it doesn't cost much to stay here. Think
about it, OK?

23. Todd wants Andre to ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. stay in school
b. find a doctor
c. send him money
d. come to Mexico

Passoge 4: Meditation
You observe a person in meditation. On the surface, he appears to be asleep, but hes simply in
a trance-a kind of half-sleep in which the person is conscious but able to ignore the situation
around him. For the meditator, the ability to concentrate is so strong thateverything around him
sounds, smells, movement-seems to fade in importance. At the same time, decision making and
deep thinking are often greatly improved.

24. In this reading, meditation refers to a person's ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. state of mind
b. intelligence
C. physical condition
d. ability to sleep

25. Meditation doesn't help a person ـــــــــــــــــ 
. ear better
b. think deeply
c. make decisions
d. ignore smells

Passage 5: The electric lightbulb
Thomas Edison was called the Wizard of Menlo Park because he found a simple, efficient way to
light up a room at night. By 18
light, but their inventions were not practical for home use. Edison's patient experimenting resulted
in an easy to-use lightbulb, which produced just enough light for a room in a house. Edison's
victory came in December of 1879 when he used a piece of carbonized (burned) cotton thread as
the filament or wire in the bulb. An electric current passing through the thread made it shine.
77, many other scientists had been successful using electricity for

26. In 1877, electricity was not used to light homes because. ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. electric power hadn't been invented vet
b. there were no practical electric lights
c. people were afraid to use electric lightbulbs
d. no one had experimented with electricity

27. The filament in a lightbulb is used to produce ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. light
b, thread
c. electricity
d. carbon

Passage 6: It's a big country!
When visitors to the United States leave the crowded cities of the East Coast or Midwest, they are
likely to comment on the use of space. Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and even the central part of
Chicago may look similar to great cities anywhere in the world. However, urban areas in other parts
of the country, and especially those in the "wide West," look different. Take Denver or Los Angeles
for example. Although statistics show that many people there live in apartments, these buildings
are small compared to the multi-storied apartment blocks of Moscow, Cairo, and Beijing. The mic
size city of Tucson, Arizona (population 700,000), which developed in a broad desert valley with
several small streams to feed it, covers an area larger than all of Chicago (population 7 million). In
Tucson, most people live in individual houses. They drive their cars or pickup trucks) to work and
shop in large shopping malls with huge parking lots. Perhaps it's the farmer or cowboy influence:
each family has its own "horse and its own piece of land

28. Visitors to the United States often comment on the use of space in ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. Boston, New York, and Philadelphia
b. the central part of Chicago
c. large apartment buildings
d. urban areas of the West

29. According to the article, apartment buildings in Moscow, Cairo, and Beijing are often ـــــــــــــــــ 
than those in Denver and Los Angeles
a, smaller
b. taller
C. more exbensive
d. more beautiful

30. The average person in Tucson lives ـــــــــــــــــ 
b. near his or herjolb
C. on a far
d. next to an apartment

31. The article implies that in building cities today, Americans are influenced by ـــــــــــــــــ 
a, Cities on the East Coast
b. their farming tradition
c. Moscow, Cairo, and Beijing
d. the necd for more apartments

Passoge 7: Personality types
What makes people the way they are?Why do some people get angry easily, others always seem
to be cheerful, while still others are often depressed? The early Greek doctor Hippocrates thought
that personality was linked to the fluids that were known to exist in the human body the blood,
the bile, the black bile, and the phlegm. These fluids were called the four humors. He believed that
inside each person, one kind of body fluid was dominant and that this fluid-or humor-caused a
tendency toward a particular kind of behavlor
if the blood songuinis was dominant, the person was songwne, or cheerful and will ing to
help others. If the yellow bile of the liver (called cholerl was the most important, the person would
be Iritable and quick to anger. If the person was often sad and depressed, the black liquild of the
spleen and kidneys (meian-choler or black bilel was blamed. And the person who had too much
phiegm (the thick mucus of thenose and throati was likely to be lazy, calm, and dull (not very
Today we know thatpersonality results from a combination oflifestyle and natural factors, and
has little or nothing to do with the balance of body fluids. However, even today the words remain:
humorous, sanguine, cholenic, melancholy, phiegmatic. Although psychologists no longer use them,
they have become part of the common vocabulary - with some changes, of course. For example
today to say that a person is humorous means that the person laughs and makes others laugh,
from the idea of having "good" humor.

32. According to the article, the early Greeks knew that ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. there are different fluids in thehuman body
b. everyone shows the same basic behawior
c. peopla wholaugh a lot are humorous
d. personality is theresult of lifestyle factors

33. Forthe eary Greeks, humor was the name for a type of ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. personality type
body part
c. natural fluild
d. internalorgan

34. Hippocrates believed that ـــــــــــــــــ was dominant in a happy person
a. blood
b. bile
c. black bile
d. phlegnm

35. Today the word humorous is used to desorbe a person's ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. blood type
b. lifestyle
c. personality
d. body fluids

Possage & What is inteligence:
Weall know that there are different degrees of intelligence but it is perhaps less understood that
the way we think about intelligence may be influenced by the society we live in, and that even
within one society, standards and norms can change over time. For example, since the rise of a
scientific culture, the intelligence of the scientist has been greatly valued. Therefore, scientific
thinkers and theoreticlans like Albert Einstein and Stephen W. Hawking have been considered the
most inte cent
Recent research in the area of intelligence is leading towarda redefinition of the concept
Today its recognized that people have different degrees butalso different kinds of intelligence
and that the ability to think scientifically l.e, the capacity to use logical deduction and factual
evidence to solve problems) is just one kind. For example, the ability to create things of beauty
such as a painting or a musical composition demonstrates another type of intelligence, which
could be called artistic intelligence. Political and social leaders all have interpersonal intelligence,
the talent to understand and to manage other human beings. The ability to organize facts into a
clear argument, to master languages, and to create stories about imaginary people and situations
canall be considered as separate aspects of intelligence From this perspective, the average person
has different but ormal amounts of each type of intelligence, while a genius is a person with an
outstanding brilkance in at least one kind of intelligence

36. The main idea of this article is that ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. scientists are more intelligent thanothers
b. all artistic people are intelligent
c. there are differentaspects of itellgence
d. geniuses are intelligent in many ways

37. The meaning of concepr isecond paragraph, first sentencej is closest to ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. aspect
b. idea
c decree

38. ـــــــــــــــ are usually considered the most intelligent
a. Engineers
b. Artists
c. Politicians
d. Scientists

39. Interpersonal intelligence refers to the ability to  ـــــــــــــــ 
a. solve problems
b. direct people
c. organize fact:s
d. write stories

40. According to the article, a genius is someone who  ـــــــــــــــ 
a. studies mathematics and sclence
b. is outstanding in at least one area
c. can paint pictures and compose music
d. talks brillantly about many subjects

Section lll: Language use
In this section, you will answer questions about the use of English. Choose the word or words that
best complete the sentence. For each tem, fill in your answer on the answer sheet You will have
15 mnutes to complete thissection.

41. Where are the stamps ـــــــــــــــ on the desk.
a. There are
b. They re
c. They
d. Their

42 My office isـــــــــــــــــ downtown.
b. near
c. close
d. at

43. 1 cant speak Geman.-ـــــــــــــــــ canL
a. No
h, Never
C. Not
d. Neithe

44. On weekends, we enjoyـــــــــــــــــ friends.
a. visit
b. to visit
c. visiting
d. to visiting

45 Idon't have a computer, butـــــــــــــــــ my friends do.
a. the mast
b. almost
C. most OT
d. most

6. Were veryـــــــــــــــــ about the news
a excited
b. exciting
C. excite
d. excitement

47. "s the report done yet?
No, but I hope ـــــــــــــــــ it by tonight.
a. finish
b. that finish
C. to finish
d. finishing

8 Cairo is ـــــــــــــــــ any other city in Egypt
a. the arge
b. larger than
C. the largest
d. large as

49. Ted's never gone mountain climbing,ـــــــــــــــــ he?
a. does
b. is
c. has
d. was

50. I had an accident.i wish I ـــــــــــــــــ more careful
a, was being
C have been
d. had been

51. Excuse me. Could you tell me where ـــــــــــــــــ ?
a, the bus station E
b. is thebus station
c. it is the bus station
d. s it the bus station

52. Bil would have done something about the problem if he ـــــــــــــــــ about it.
a. did know
b, had known
c. was known
d. would know

53. Janice moved to Paris. ـــــــــــــــــ there for a year already.
a. She's living
b. She lives
C. She'sbeen iving
d. She was livino

54. The movie's great! t's really worth ـــــــــــــــــ 
a. seeng
b. tosee
you see
d. see

55. rd play the piano better if i ـــــــــــــــــ more
a. practicing
b can practice
C. practiced
d, will pvactice

56. Would you mind ـــــــــــــــــ in here
a. don t smoke
t. not to smoke
C. not smoking
d. no smoke

57. My sister is interested ـــــــــــــــــ about Japanese terature
a. lean
b. learning
C. to learn
d. in learning

58. This fruit needs ـــــــــــــــــ before you eat it.
a. to wash
b. beino washed
C. you wash it
d, to be washec

59. By the time you get this postcard, ـــــــــــــــــ New York
a I'dleft
b. I'm leaving
C. I'll have left
d, i've been leaving

60. The grounds wet. It must ـــــــــــــــــ 
a raining
b. have rained
c.. torain
d. rained

61. Sue is used ـــــــــــــــــ up early.
b. getting
c. to gettine
d, to get

62. The man ـــــــــــــــــ lives across the street is a dentist.
a who
b. he
d. what

63. I won't goyou come with me
a. instead
à except
C unless
d. althouglh

64. Before ـــــــــــــــــ for work I usually have a cup of coffee.
a. to leave
b. leaving
c. that leave
d. leav

65. I'm gong to fiying school ـــــــــــــــــ I can learn how to fly my own plane.
a. that
b in order
c. in order to
d. so that

66. Helen is ـــــــــــــــــ serious student l have ever seen
a. more
b. most
c. the more
d. the most

67. I'd prefer ـــــــــــــــــ at home this weekend
à. not stay
b. nostaying
c not to stay
d. don't stay

68. Ken failed the test He should ـــــــــــــــــ more.
a. studying
b, to study
c. studied
d. have studied

69. Betty's husband suggested that she ـــــــــــــــــ a few days off from work
a. has took
b. taking
c. take
d. will take

70. The older i get, ـــــــــــــــــ l become
a. more impatient
b, the more impatient
c. most impatient
d. the most impatient

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