
أخـر المقالات

الجمعة، 2 فبراير 2018

امتحان المعهد المصرفي للغه الانجليزيه نموذج C


ستجدون في هذا المقال نموذج C الخاص بامتحان اللغه الانجليزيه للمعهد المصرفي علما بان هذا الامتحان خاص بالبنوك التي تجري الامتحانات الخاصه بها في المعهد المصرفي فهذا الامتحان هوا امتحان البنك الزراعي المصري وهو ايضا امتحان بنك القاهره وامتحان بنك فيصل الاسلامي  وايضا امتحان بنك المصرف المتحد 

يمكنكم ايضا قرآة

امتحان اللغه الانجليزيه بالكامل الخاص بالمعهد المصرفي 2018 نموذج A


هذه هي الاجابه الخاصه بالامتحان

Objective Placement Test C
General Directions
The Objective Placement Test has three sections: Listening, Reading, and Language Use. There are 70 questions. You are allowed 50 minutes to complete the test. In Section 1, the Listening section, you will hear nine conversations and answer one or
more questions about each one. Before you listen to a conversation, read the question or questions. Then listen to the conversation. Answer the questions after the conversation ends. Choose the correct answer for each question and fill in your choice on your answer sheet. You will hear the conversation only once. The first conversation is an example. You have 15 minutes to complete this section. Section II, the Reading section, has several short passages. After you read each passage, choose the correct answer for each question and fill in your choice on your answer sheet. You have 20 minutes to complete this section. Section lll, the Language Use section, has 30 items. Choose the correct completion for each item and fill in your choice on your answer sheet. You have 15 minutes to complete this section.
Mark your answers clearly on your answer sheet. If you want to change an answer, erase your first answer completely. If you want to take notes during the test, write on the paper you were given.

Situation 1: Ann and Tomas are at a coffee shop. They're talking when Yoshi comes in.
1. ــــــــــــــ are meeting for the first time.
a. Ann and Tomas
b. Ann and Yoshi
C. Yoshi and Tomas
d. Ann, Tomas, and Yoshi

Situation 2: Rick and Sharon are at a restaurant.
2. Sharon ــــــــــــــ
a. usually eats fish
b. is eating the chicken
C. is going to have fish
d. prefers fish to chicken

Situation 3: Sven calls Marcos's home. Marcos's roommate answers the telephone.
3. Marcos ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. comes to the phone
b. is at a meeting
C. will be home by 4:30
d. will take a message

Situation 4: A reporter is giving today's weather forecast.
4. It's hot and dry in.ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. Colorado
b. Florida
C. Miami
d. Boston

5. In Miami, it will be.ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. clear
b. rainy
C. dry
d. cold

Situation 5: Dom calls Phil about playing golf.
6. Phil can't play golf tomorrow afternoon because heــــــــــــــــــــ
a. is meeting someone for lunch
b. has a meeting until 4:00
C. is getting ready for a meeting
d. needs to leave a meeting early

7. They're going to ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. have lunch together
b. play golf next week
C. go to a business meeting
d. meet early in the morning

Situation 6: Sherry and Jill are both going on summer vacations with their families. They are talking about their plans.
8. Jill and her family usually ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. stay at home
b. take a trip together
C. dodifferent things
d. visit art museums

9. Sherry wishes she had time to ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. visit Jill's family
b. Tead more
C. take a trip
d. go shopping

Situation 7: Melanie is talking to George about her laptop computer.
10. Melanie is angry because ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. she can't use her computer
b. her friends don't have a computer
C. Carol don't want to return the Computer
d. George Won't lend her his computer
11. Carol ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. lent her computer to a friend
b. broke Melanie's Computer
C .borrowed a computer from George
d. just bought her own computer

12. George doesn't usually lend things becauseــــــــــــــــــــ
a. he doesn't havethat much to lend
b. his friends don't need to borrow anything
C. lending things can change a friendship
d. it's better to borrow from a bank

Situation 8: Henry and Gloria are talking about their trips abroad.
13. Henry went to Mexico ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. by himself
b. with his parents
C. after school
d. to visit a friend

14. Henry says he would have liked to have seen Brazil." He means that he ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. went there, and he liked it
b. went there, but he didn't like it
C. wanted to go there, but he couldn't
d. didn't want to go there, so he didn't

15. Gloria went to Poland becauseــــــــــــــــــــ
a. she wanted to learn the language
b. she traveled there with a friend
C. her family moved there
d. her sister invited her

16. Dottie ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. Wanted to go home
b. learned Polish quickly
C. got a job in Poland
d. loved new things

17. Before Eddie began his job at Delaney's, he had already ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. finished his classes
b. had a job as a manager
C. worked with Barbara
d. sold clothes in a store

18. At Delaney's, Eddie works ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. On Weekends and holidays
b. in the jewelry department
C.as a manager.
d. with a friend

19. Barbara always wanted to ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. get a job at Delaney's b. Work in a jewelry Store C. live with her grandfather d. become a nurse
20. Barbara ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. makes beautiful things
b. takes Nursing classes
C. sells jewelry
d. hates her job

This is the end of the Listening section of Objective Placement Test C.
Now go on to page 8 and begin the Reading section.
Section II: Reading
In this section of the Objective Placement Test, you will read some short passages and answer questions about them. Choose the word or words that best complete the sentence. For each item, fill in your answer on the answer sheet. You will have 20 minutes to complete this section.
Passage 1: What are you doing this weekend?
MAAN: Sunday is the day when I usually have lunch with my friends downtown. But this week there's a concert on Saturday, so I'll see my friends then. Sunday I'm staying home.
21. This Saturday Mara's going to ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. stay at home
b. have lunch downtown
C. go to a concert
d. fix lunch for her friends

Passage 2: What do you do?
EILEEN SWEET: I'm a Ihostessat a big restaurant. Igreet people at the door and take them to their tables. Day after day, lalways do the same thing. Someday I hope to have a more interesting job. but it's OK for now.
22. Eileen thinks that her job is ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. difficult
b. interesting
C. important
d. boring

Passage 3: A vacation postcard
Dear Millie
You wouldn't believe Costa Rica! It's really peaceful. Judy and I have been staying in a tent at a
campground on the beach. We're studying a little Spanish with a cute guy who teaches English
in school here, butI think he's leaming more English than we are Spanish. Judy brought her
guitar, so we enjoy singing around the campfire at night.
23. Sheila and Judy are ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. traveling with Millie
b. taking guitar lessons
C. camping at the beach
d. learning lots of Spanish

Passage 4: Concentration, a special talent
People who have the capacity for intense concentration have a great advantage. Such people
have the ability to ignore stimuli (sights, sounds, or anything that can distract a person) and are
more likely to stay with the task at hand and to solve it. This ability can make all the difference
between winning and losing in certain situations-for example, for the championship runner
competing for a gold medal at the Olympics.
24. In this reading, concentration refers to a person's ability to ــــــــــــــ
a. Stay in one place
b. focus on a task
C. hear certain sounds
d. ignore instructions

25. Athletes who can concentrate are more likely to ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. Compete
b. win
C. relax
d. run
Passage 5: The Scot and the tea kettle
According to one story, a Scottish boy watched the steam lift the top off his mother's tea kettle
and realized the power of steam to make machines work. That boy, James Watt, would then go
on to invent the modern steam engine in 1769.Actually, the history of steam technology records
the successful work of several scientists and engineers before Watt. For example, in 1698, Thomas
Savery had introduced a simple steam pump to remove water from mines, and 14 years later
Thomas Newcomen invented a better pump. But these pumps weren't efficient because they used
so much fuel. In 1769, the Scottish boy, James Watt, figured out a way to save three-quarters of the
fuel. To honor him, his last name became the name of a unit of energy.
26. The example of the boiling tea kettle shows that steam is ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. Useful
b. efficient
C. powerful
d. necessary

27. Early steam pumps weren't efficient because they ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. didn't remove water
b. Weren't SUICcessful
C. were difficult to make
d. used too much fuel

Passage 6: Wide open spaces
Visitors to the United States, especially those from Japan or the smaller countries of Europe, are
likely to comment on the size and scale of everything.Although the downtown sections of some
of the older cities such as Boston and Philadelphia may look similar to their own larger cities,
other aspects are likely to appear "out of scale. For example, the average American farm is huge in
comparison with the typical family farm of Europe and Asia. Across the Great Plains, farmers use
great machines to plant and harvest enormous quantities of wheat. Such farms offer a dramatic
contrast to the tiny farms of Europe or Asia, where intense human labor is more important. The
main cities of the United States are connected by a vast system of highways and superhighways
moving endless streams of cars and trucks, while on the edge of the cities, suburban developments
and shopping centers with huge parking lots stretch for mile after mile. It's as if Americans made
everything larger, just to use up the available space.
28. To Visitors, everything in the United States Seems ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. larger
b. similar
C. more expensive
d. interesting

29. To Japanese and European visitors, the downtown sections of Boston and Philadelphia
Seem ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. Out of scale
b. the right size
C too old
d. Very beautiful

30. The typical American farm ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. is similar to farms everywhere
b. Uses a lot of machinery
C. is run by large families
d. doesn't require much work

31. The article implies that people in the United States are influenced by ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. the amount of available space
b. the need to grow lots of food
C. visitors impressions of their Country
d. farming practices in Europe and Asia

People don't need to be in close physical contact to feel "connected" emotionally. Over the years,
various means of communication have been used to enable human beings to keep in contact with
one another. Letters, telegrams, and telephones have allowed individuals located in different places
to share news and to interact with family, friends, and business relationships.
In today's world, with more and more people on the move, long-distance communication
has become even more important. At the same time, changes in technology, particularly the
introduction of computers and the increasing use of email, have made it easier than ever to stay
in contact. There are two main reasons why email has become so widespread: time and money.
Although mail service and telephones can be found almost everywhere, a letter can take a long
time to arrive and phone calls are often quite expensive.
Email seems to be replacing other forms of communication for many purposes. As the use
of computes has spread, many people use email rather than regular mail to send personal
messages. Because it has become so easy to send pictures and information via the Internet, it has
also become commonplace to use email in business. Email has even given rise to different types
of communication. For example, a "chat room," is where groups of people who do not know each
other personally can talk about topics of mutual interest. While some people are enthusiastic
about communication in the modern age, others regret the growing depersonalization brought
on by the use of email. Communication has become so easy and yet so removed from the normal
process of face-to-face interaction that researchers have concluded that a whole new culture of
communication may be forming.
32. The main idea of the article is that ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. these days people don't communicate enough
b. modern means of communication cost too much
C. letter and phone calls are more effective
d. email is changing the way we live

33. Modern communications enable people to ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. see each other more often
b. write more letters and telegrams
C. keep in contact with one another
d. move from place to place quickly

34. In comparison with a telephone call, email is -ــــــــــــــــــــ
a. more acceptable
b. more personal
C. slower
d. cheaper

35.ــــــــــــــــــــ is a type of communication made possible by email
a. A personal message
b. A chat room
C. Long-distance discussion
d. Sending information
Passage 8: Biofeedback
When biofeedback was first developed a number of years ago, it caused a lot of excitement. People
hoped that biofeedback could be used to cure all kinds of physical and mental problems.
Biofeedback is the name for a medical technique that helps people treat certain problems
by becoming more aware of their own bodies. In biofeedback, instruments that measure bodily
functions such as muscle tension, temperature, and blood flow are attached to the body. The
instruments produce signals -for example, a series of sounds (beeps) or a flashing light- that the
person can hear or see. The patient then uses the information to help gain control over the function.
The most widely used biofeedback instrument is the electromyograph, or EMG. The EMG is used
to measure muscle tension. It is made up of several electrodes, which are placed on the skin near a
particular area, depending on the symptom. For example, for headaches, a symptom often caused
by excessive tension in the neck muscles, the electrodes are placed on the forehead or near the
back of the neck. When the tension is present, the EMG produces a signal and the patient is taught
to respond by relaxing the appropriate muscles. In many cases, the relaxation of these muscles
causes the headache to go away
While biofeedback has not turned out to be a cure-all, it has been used successfully to treat a
limited number of problems- especially those caused by chronic tension.
36. At first, people were very ـــــــــــــــــــــــ biofeedback
a. nervous about
b. interested in
C. familiar with
d. opposed to

37. Biofeedback instruments ـــــــــــــــــــــــ
a. act like a kind of medicine
b. cause people to get excited
C. are put on a patient's body
d. teach people to exercise

38. Blood flow is an example of a ـــــــــــــــــــــــ
a. technique
b. signal
C. function
d. problem

39. The EMG ـــــــــــــــــــــــ
a. relaxes the muscles
b. measures tension
C. causes movement
d. produces symptoms

40. According to the article, biofeedback ـــــــــــــــــــــــ
a. is more popular than ever
b. causes chronic tension
C. Cures all types of headaches
d. has had limited success

Ocam tridge University Press 2013 Photopiable
Nowgo on to page 14 and begin the Language Use section.
Section lll: Language Use
In this section, you will answer questions about the use of English. Choose the word or words that
best complete the sentence. For each item, fill in your answer on the answer sheet. You will have
15 minutes to complete this section.
41. "Are the bags ready?"
"Yes, ـــــــــــــــــــــــ "
a. they're
b. there are
C. their
d. they are

42.i Live ----------- 4040 Oak Avenue.
a. on
b. at
C. in
d. next

43. "I like to cook"
" ـــــــــــــــــــــــ do i"
a. And
b. So
C. Also
d. Too

44. David enjoys ـــــــــــــــــــــــ sports on TV.
a. watching
b. watch
C. to watch
d. watched

45.- ـــــــــــــــــــــــ  everyone I know plays a musical instrument
. a. The most
b. Almost
d. Most of

46. Yesterday's game caused a lot of ـــــــــــــــــــــــ
a. excited
b. exciting
C. excite
d. excitement

47. We hope ـــــــــــــــــــــــ you again soon.
a. see
b. to see
C. seeing
d. that see

48. This apartment is ـــــــــــــــــــــــ one we've seen all week.
a. cheaper than
b. the cheap
C. the cheapest
d. the cheaper

49. Tom's never bought a new car ـــــــــــــــــــــــ he?
a. does
b. is
C. was
d. has

50. The package still hasn't arrived. I wish l ـــــــــــــــــــــــ it earlier.
a. was sending
b. had sent
C. am sending
d. have sent

51. Can you tell me where ـــــــــــــــــــــــ ?
a. is it the bank
b. the bank is
C. it is the bank
d. is the bank
52. My suitcase would have been much lighter if I ـــــــــــــــــــــــ all my books.
a. don't pack
b. not packing
C. hadn't packed
d. not pack

53. Imet Carl many years ago ـــــــــــــــــــــــ him for a long time.
a. I'm knowing
b. I've known
C. I'd know
d. III know

54. This book is interesting. It's really worth ـــــــــــــــــــــــ
a. you read
b. read
C. reading
d. being read

55. If fewer people drove cars to work, ـــــــــــــــــــــــ - less pollution.
a. we've had
b. we'd have
C. we're having
d. we'll have

56. Would you mind ـــــــــــــــــــــــ down the radio?
a. turn
b. to turn
C. you turn
d. turning

57. Are you interested ـــــــــــــــــــــــ shopping with me?
a. to go
b. in going
C. go
d. going
58. The washing machine needs ـــــــــــــــــــــــ
a. being fixed
b. to be fixed
C. to fix
d. you fix it

59. by this is time tomorrow,ـــــــــــــــــــــــ in Montreal.
a. I'm arriving
b. I've been arriving
C. I'd arrive
d. I'll have arrived

60. You look tired. You must ـــــــــــــــــــــــ hard today.
a. worked
b. have worked
C. working
d. to work

61. I am used ـــــــــــــــــــــــ the bus to work.
a. to take
b. to taking
C. took
d. taking

62. The tie ـــــــــــــــــــــــ costs only $10.
a. that I like
b. like that
C. what I like
d. I like it
63. Everyone took an umbrella ـــــــــــــــــــــــ Me.
a. only
b. except
C. unless
d. instead

64. Before ـــــــــــــــــــــــ  to bed, I usually brush my teeth.
a. going
b. go
C. to go
d. that go

65. I bought an audio course  ـــــــــــــــــــــــ  I could improve my French.
a. in order
b. so that
C. that
d. in order to

66. Maria is ـــــــــــــــــــــــ intelligent girl in our class.
a. most
b. the most
C. more
d. the more
67. You'd better tell Joe ـــــــــــــــــــــــ in here.
a. not to smoke
b. not smoking
C. no smoke
d. don't smoking

68. Susie feels really tired today. She should ـــــــــــــــــــــــ to bed earlier last night.
a. go
b. have gone
C. went
d. be going

69. Barry's uncle recommended that he ـــــــــــــــــــــــ more money
a. save
b. saved
C. saves
d. will save

70. The more you practice speaking English ـــــــــــــــــــــــ it gets.
a. easy
b. the easiest
C. easier
d. the easier

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